Gap Year Options Volunteering

Many students feel like a break from studies after 12 years, hence Gap Year has become a popular option for many.

The options are as follows:

  • Working Gap Year
  • Volunteering Gap Year
  • Doing the creative, amazing thing you always wanted  to do and that your matching talent will sustain
  • Taking a practical/arty-something course while growing up and considering your tertiary  or other training options

Volunteering can be a good way to get experience and to travel at a low cost. There are lots of volunteering opportunities available.

Staying put options

Check out your local charities, they always need people for both permanent projects and campaigns. Depending on what you want to do, you may need certifications like a Working with Children or similar. The charity will often organise this for you. Start to check with places and organisations such as:

  • Local church
  • Local Op-shops
  • Local charities, look them up online or search e.g. Anglicare, Red Cross, St Johns Care, Vinnies, Caritas, RSPCA

Volunteering Opportunities in Australia | GoVolunteer

Volunteering in Australia

GoVolunteer is a non-profit initiative designed to make
volunteering easier. GoVolunteer brings Volunteers &
Volunteering Organisations Together


Travel Options

WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms

WWOOF – Home Australian site

Volunteering farming

Wwoof Australia – Home to Wwoofers Australia wide – become a Wwoofer and see the world.




WWOOF – Worldwide

Volunteering worldwide opportunities

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms


Get the trip organised for you

Volunteering is big business which means there are organisations set up to send people off volunteering – and taking a fee for it. If you can afford to pay to go volunteering, they can set you up for amazing experiences. Some programs have nominal fees to get you there and insurance while other programs are quite expensive. You can find a few links below but there are many more operators.

Find a program | GVI AUS

Volunteering abroad

Search GVI’s worldwide sustainable development programs and find a best fit for you based on region, program type, program focus, trip duration, or price.


Volunteer and Intern Abroad | Projects Abroad

Volunteering abroad

With Projects Abroad, you can choose from hundreds of Volunteer Abroad and Intern Abroad programs in more than 30 developing countries. For all ages and skill levels.


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